Sunday, September 26, 2010


In Advanced math we took a chapter test, and now we are currently working on completing chapter nine. Chapter nine, and Mrs. Robinson teach us how to find the unknown side and angle of a right triangle. I think this is one of the easiest thing that we have learned so far, because it is almost just a repeat of what we learned in Geometry. They have a word that will help you to do well in this chapter it is known as SOHCAHTOA .

S= sin= Opposite/ Hypotnuse
C= cosine= Adjacent/ Hypotnuse
T= tangent= Opposite/ Adjacent


sin= opposite/hypotenuse sec= hypotenuse/adjacent
cos= adjacent/hypotenuse csc= hypotenuse/opposite
tan= opposite/adjacent cot= adjacent/opposite


For triangle ABC

A= 90(degrees) B= 16 a= 34

First, since we already have A and B we need to find C. In order to do that all we are going to do is take 180 (which is the measure of a right triangle) minus 90 your right angle minus 16 the measure of angle B. Which will leave you with 74 and that is angle C.

Next, you have to find b and c. In order to do that you are going to have to take sin, cos, or tan of the angle B using your formula. For this problem you will use sin.

sin= opposite/ hypotnuse
sin 16 degrees= b/34
34sin16= 9.37
Now, you are going to need to find C. You are going to have to use cos= adjacent/ hypotnuse.
cos 16 degrees= c/34
34cos16= 32.68

And that is how you do section 9-1.

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