Sunday, September 26, 2010

Well, i am sure i am not the only one having problems with advanced math all together. For me and a few other people this is the easiest yet. Right now we are in Chapter 9 working with right triangles. This brings us back to the things we learned in geometry. Right triangles are all about 90°, Angles, opposites, adjacents, and a hypotenuse. Going along with right triangles is:

SOHCAHTOA; which stands for
Sin Opposite/Hypotenuse
Cosine Adjacent/Hypotenuse
Tangent Opposite/Adjacent



These formulas are only used with right triangles.
*A hypotenuse is opposite of the right angle, always.
*The smaller letters are always opposite from the capital.


Solve the triangleABC
-AngleC=32° AngleA=90° Anglea=26

On the triangle you need to find angles B,b,and c.
Your man point is angle C and across from that is B. In order to find B you subtract 180-90-# which is 32. To find b, which is adjacent to C, you will use cosine because you already know the hypotenuse (a). To find c, which is opposite to C, you will use sine.

B 180-90-32=68°
b cos32=b/26 (use simple algebra to find b) 26cos32° =22.0493
c sin32=c/26 26sin32°= 13.7779

This lesson is as simple as that. Just know the 3 formulas and you are set.

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