Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chapter 8 Section 2

In section two chapter eight, we learned how to find the amplitude, period, and period change.

The amplitude is the distance from zero to the highest point half the vertical distance.

The period is how long it takes a function to repeat itself.

Y= A sin Bx or A cos Bx

The absolute value of A is the amplitude

And 2 pi/B is the period

To graph a period change:
First, take all five points.
The five points are 0, pi/2, pi, 3pi/2, and 2pi.
Then divide those five points by B.
Finally sketch the graph.

For example,find the amplitude, period, and five points of y= -4 sin 2x

Take the absolute value of A which in this case is -4
I-4I = 4
So, Amplitude is 4

Then, to find the period divide 2pi by B which in this case is 2.
2pi/2 = pi.
So, the period is pi.

In order to find the five points, you must divide the given points by B.
0/2 is 0
Pi/2/2 or pi/2 times ½ is pi/4
Pi/2 is pi/2
3pi/2/2 or 3pi/2 times ½ is 3pi/4
And 2pi/2 is pi

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