Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 2 Blog Prompt

What types of things can the graphs of sine and cosine be used to model in the real world? Give an example. **Be sure to cite if you use a source!**


  1. In the real world you can relate many things to math. For example it is said:

    -Many compression algorithms, like JPEG use fourier transforms that rely on sin and cos.

    -Surveying, navigation and astronomy all rely on sin and cos for the position of objects and other calculations.

    -Signal transmission, e.g. TV and radio broadcasting, involves waves described with sin/cos waves.

    -Music is composed of waves of different frequencies and amplitudes and these can be described using sin/cos. In fact most anything involving sound waves will rely on sin/cos.

    As you can see sine and cosine are not just two things in math that you will learn now and never need to know. Without even realising you use them in your everyday life.


  2. Trigonometric functions have a wide range of uses. For example, they are used for navigation, engineering, and even physics. The sine and cosine functions are used to model periodic function phenomena like sound waves, light waves, the position and velocity of harmonic oscillators, sunlight intensity, day length, and even average temperature throughout the year.

    A sine wave is a geometric waveform that moves up, down, or side to side periodically. It is defined by the function y=sin x. It is an s-shaped, smooth wave that oscillates above and below zero. It occurs often in pure mathematics, physics, signal processing, electrical engineering, and many other fields. This wave pattern usually occurs in ocean waves, sound waves, and even light waves. Graphing the voltage of an alternating current gives a sine wave pattern. Sine waves are representations of a single frequency with no harmonics.

    A cosine wave is a sine wave with a phase shift of pi/2. A cosine wave and its corresponding sine wave have the same frequency, but the cosine wave leads the sine wave by 90 degrees. It is defined by the function y=cos x.


  3. You can find graphs of sine and cosine everywhere in everyday life if you look for it. Almost every type of wave can be described in trigonometric functions. A good example of this is light waves and sound waves. They are not visible to the human eye, but they still count.

    A sine wave is a math function that repeats itself. An amplitude is the peak deviation from the center point on the graph. The sine waves are very important in physics especially, because it can be added to other sine waves and it still keeps its waveshape.

    A cosine wave is a shape that is identical to a sine wave. The difference is that each point on a cosine graph occurs 1/4 of a cycle before the points on each sine graph. Both the sine and cosine waves have the same amount of frequency, but the cosine beats sine by about 90 degrees.

    Most of the things that use sine and cosine waves in real life are not things that we would think about everyday. Once you understand the definitions, you realize that math plays a huge part in our lives even if we don't realize it.


  4. The functions of sine and cosine and trigonometry are used everyday in the real world. There are many examples of trigonometry is used in the real world. Most people are not aware that math is apart of our lives, but as we open our minds up mathematics, we begin to see the everyday application of trigonometry.

    In maps and surveying, surveyors use trigonometry to set property lines and design new roads.

    Artists and architects draw blueprints and draw designs of buildings for cities. You need to know how to use sin and cosine rations to know how long beams should be to construct things

    Trigonometry is used heavily in the construction of roller coasters and amusement rides.

    Astronomers and physicists use sine and cosine and trigonometry to travel through space, and also to plan flight patterns for space shuttles.

    Sine and cosine are used to determine the heights of cliffs and was even used to determine the height of the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest.


  5. I've been searching for an hour and twenty minuntes to find the use of Sin and Cos. This is the only answer that I could get that explained what it is used for.

    Many compression algorithms, like JPEG use fourier transforms that rely on sin and cos.

    Surveying, navigation and astronomy all rely on sin and cos for the position of objects and other calculations.

    Music is composed of waves of different frequencies and amplitudes and these can be described using sin/cos. In fact most anything involving sound waves will rely on sin/cos.

    Ballistic trajectories rely on sin/cos, and there are numerous other uses of them in physics.

    Space flight relies on calculations and conversions to polar coordinates. So do satellites.

    GPS and cellphones rely on triangulation and formulas involving sin/cos.

    Signal transmission, e.g. TV and radio broadcasting, involves waves described with sin/cos waves.

  6. Graphs for sine and cosine can be used for a lot of models in the real world. Here are some examples that use sine and cosine:

    1. JPEG, a compression algorithm, uses fourier transformations. These transformations depend on sine and cosine.
    2. Positions of objects need sine and cosine for navigation, astronomy, and surveying.
    3. Waves in music are made up of different frequencies and use sine and cosine to describe them. Anything that involves sound waves can be described by sine and cosine also.
    4. Ballistic trajectories and space satellites also rely on them. Space flights need the calculations and conversions of polar coordinates to operate.
    5. GPS, cell phones, and signal transmissions (TV and broadcasting) use sine and cosine waves.

    These are only a few of the many things we use today that involve sine and cosine. It’s used in many more things that we wouldn’t even think of.


  7. There are many different things that the graphs of sine and cosine can be used to model in the real world. A good example of this is light waves and sound waves. They are not visible to the human eye, but they still count.

    A sine wave is a math function that repeats itself. An amplitude is the peak deviation from the center point on the graph. The sine waves are very important in physics especially, because it can be added to other sine waves and it still keeps its waveshape.

    A cosine wave is a shape that is identical to a sine wave. The difference is that each point on a cosine graph occurs 1/4 of a cycle before the points on each sine graph. Both the sine and cosine waves have the same amount of frequency, but the cosine beats sine by about 90 degrees.

    Most of the things that use sine and cosine waves in real life are not things that we would think about everyday. Once you understand the definitions, you realize that math plays a huge part in our lives even if we don't realize it

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Graphs of sine and cos can be used to model many things in the real world.

    Doctors use these graphs all of the time when determining things such as heart rate, blood pressure, heart beat, etc. If you want to become an engineer you must study these graphs a lot to run certain machines.

    Also from sources i found that Surveying, Astronomy, and Navigation all rely on these graphs to determine the position the place of objects and other calculations.

    Music is full of waves of amplitudes and different frequencies. Anything having to do with sound contains frequency and have to do with the sin/cos graph. From measuring sound in the air, to making sound and putting on the computer to study the graphs of sound change etc. There are radio and TV broadcasting that involve sound traveling through the air. There are so many ways to use the sin/cos chart when talking about sound.

    Also there is the travel of cell phone and signal transmission through the air. Not only cell phones but phones and signals in general.

    When measuring things such as earthquakes they also use the sin and cos graph.

    We use the graphs of the sin and cos models a lot in everyday life, but rarely do we realize this or even know what the name of it means. Now we see how much we do use this and why we need to learn it and understand it.

  10. Real World Applications of Sine and Cosine

    Trigonometry is generally known for its application to measurement problems. Trigonometric functions are used in various fields such as Engineering, pharmacology, oceanography and even music, to name a few.
    Sine models curves, periodic patterns, or trends. “Sine curves can model cyclical patterns or periodic behavior. There are many applications for these curves since statistical models and patterns are used every day for a variety of reasons. Think of the teacher who is determining grades for a semester. The teacher is looking at high points and low points--and don't teachers sometimes even grade on a curve? They might not be using the sine-curve formula they learned in their trigonometry classes, but the principle is still there.” ( Ehow)When looking at patterns or averages, sine may be of use. Cosine is a wave that is similar to sine. These waves are too used in music, measuring great distances and in hospitals by doctors for x-rays and cat scans. (Wikipedia).

  11. Math is related to many things in the world around you.

    When using graphs with sine and cosine you are going to deal with inverses and flipping the line of the graph when it is positive or negative.

    Real World Examples:

    1. Electronic communication

    Most radio communication is based on the use of combination's of sines and cosine waves.

    2. Thermal analysis

    The heat equation is used to model how things get hot. This equation is usually solved using sums of sines and cosines.

    3. Signal Processing

    The whole area of digital signal processing, which is used for HDTV and digital audio, is based on using sums of sines and cosines.

    4. Geology

    Earthquakes are modeled using the wave equation, which is frequently solved using sums of sines and cosines.

    5. Building design

    Buildings need to be designed to resist wind and earthquakes. The effect of waves on buildings is often modeled using sines and cosines to simulate wind and earth motion. These simulations determine how the buildings oscillate, which is also modeled by sines and cosines.

  12. The functions of sine and cosine are used everyday in the real world. There are many examples of trigonometry is used in the real world. Most people are not aware that math is apart of our lives, but as we open our minds up mathematics, we begin to see the everyday application of trigonometry. In maps and surveying, surveyors use trigonometry to set property lines and design new roads. Trigonometry is used heavily in the construction of roller coasters and amusement rides.

    Artists and architects draw blueprints and draw designs of buildings for cities. You need to know how to use sin and cosine rations to know how long beams should be to construct things. Astronomers and physicists use sine and cosine and trigonometry to travel through space, and also to plan flight patterns for space shuttles. Sine and cosine are used to determine the heights of cliffs and was even used to determine the height of the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest.


  13. Surveying, navigation, and astronomy all rely on sin and cos for the position of objects and other calculations. Music is composed of waves of different frequencies and amplitudes and these can be described using sin and cos. Almost anything involving sound waves will rely on sin and cos. Space flight relies on calculations and conversions to polar coordinates and so do satellites. Cell phones rely on formulas or sin and cos! Light waves are also graphs of trig functions. Any sort of wave can be described by a trig function. These include sound waves and earthquakes. (

    I was very shocked to find out that things I use everyday are some sort of math! It was interesting to learn about trig functions in the real world and have it not really be a whole bunch of numbers but simple things like cell phones, music, and waves.

  14. Some of the things that the graphs of sine and cosine can be used for in the real world is for surveying, and astronomy. They both rely on sine and cosine for the position of objects. Another thing is music. Music is made of waves of frequencies and amplitudes. They can be described using sine and cosine. Almost anything involving sound waves use sine and cosine. It can also be used for ballistic trajectories. A Ballistic trajectory is the path of a moving object through space. The moving object could be a satellite or a missile. This also uses sine and cosine. Cell phones use formulas involving sine and cosine. Global positioning systems also use sine and cosine. Signal transmission involves waves which are described with sine and cosine waves. An example of signal transmission is television and the radio. We use sine and cosine in the real world everyday for many things. These are only a few.

  15. Searching around online one can find many different things rely on sine and cos. Such as:

    "JPEG uses fourier transforms that rely on sin and cos.

    "Surveying, navigation and astronomy all rely on sin and cos for the position of objects and other calculations.

    "Music is composed of waves of different frequencies and amplitudes and these can be described using sin/cos. In fact most anything involving sound waves will rely on sin/cos.

    "Ballistic trajectories rely on sin/cos, and there are numerous other uses of them in physics.

    "Space flight relies on calculations and conversions to polar coordinates. So do satellites.

    "GPS and cellphones rely on triangulation and formulas involving sin/cos.

    "Signal transmission, e.g. TV and radio broadcasting, involves waves described with sin/cos waves."

    These of course are just a few things.

  16. Sine and cosine graphs have many applications to real life. Anything that is measured in waves can be charted using sine and cosine. The simple equations can be used to detect the frequencies and wave lengths of the various waves. They also have many applications that we would never think about as you can see here:

    1. Electronic communication
    Most radio communication is based on the use of combinations of sines and cosine waves.

    2. Thermal analysis
    The heat equation is used to model how things get hot (electronics, spacecraft, ovens, etc). This equation is usually solved using sums of sines and cosines.

    3. Signal Processing

    The whole area of digital signal processing, which is used for HDTV and digital audio, is based on using sums of sines and cosines.

    4. Geology

    Earthquakes are modeled using the wave equation, which is frequently solved using sums of sines and cosines.

    5. Building design

    Buildings need to be designed to resist wind and earthquakes. The effect of waves on buildings is often modeled using sines and cosines to simulate wind and earth motion. These simulations determine how the buildings oscillate, which is also modeled by sines and cosines.
