Thursday, December 16, 2010

Now it is time for blog #2. Another thing I remember well is chapter nine. In chapter 9, we used SOHCAHTOA to find missing angles of RIGHT triangles. Also, the law of sin was pretty easy too. So, I guess in this blog I will show you how to do SOHCAHTOA and in the next I will do law of sin.

Okay, starting off with SOHCAHTOA. *Which can only be used on right triangles.
Example: a = 56, A = 25, C = 90 Find angles B and b

Since C = 90, that means you have a right triangle. It is asking you to find the two b’s. Finding B is very simple because all triangles will equal 180 degrees. All you have to do is subtract 180 from angles A and C.
B = 65

Now to find little b, we will be using tan, because that is the simplest formula to use in this problem. We are looking for b, which is opposite and we already have the adjacent angle which is 56.
Tan65 = b/56
b= 56tan65 (plug into calculator) * make sure you are in degree mode
b= 120

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